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Steps to complete the survey:

1. Click on Sign In button and login/register from your account.
2. Click on Participate button, and you will be directed to the survey page.
3. Fill in the survey and submit.

About the Survey

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most prevalent reasons for female infertility. Its root cause is not known. It affects 8 to 21% of reproductive-age women worldwide. Although PCOS can develop at any age, starting from menarche, most cases are identified between the ages of 20 and 30. In the world, 1.55 million women of reproductive age have PCOS, which results in 0.43 million life years adjusted for disability (DALYs).

PCOS patients are two to six times more susceptible to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, lipid metabolic issues, and endometrial cancer than the general population. It is simple to identify and treat; all that is required is the prudent use of already available, standardised diagnostic tests and the deployment of appropriate techniques to address hyperandrogenism, the effects of ovarian dysfunction, and the associated metabolic abnormalities. Thus, this survey will be helpful, especially for gynaecologists for setting a better treatment outcome for PCOS patients.

Survey objectives:

1. To collect information on a customised approach for the treatment strategy of PCOS in accordance with the patient's phenotype, complaints, and desire for reproduction from gynaecologists.

2. To get value-based feedback on the deployment of appropriate techniques to address hyperandrogenism, the effects of ovarian dysfunction, and the associated metabolic abnormalities.

3.To analyse the results obtained from the survey and address the topic of importance.